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eCommerce Design Agency.

Showcase your Brand to the World
Turn Visitors into Customers

eCommerce Website Design & Development Agency

Turn Visitors into Customers

Setting up a new eCommerce website can be a complex process, if you are not working with the right agency. Managing your site doesn’t need to be complex, with the right set up.

We develop powerful eCommerce design solutions which are scalable and flexible, yet simple enough to manage on your own. This is what we do. We analyse your needs, and then recommend the most appropriate solution. Simple really.


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Powerful eCommerce design solutions to make you grow

Sensible eCommerce Web Design and Development
eCommerce can give you a real boost to help your business grow and reach out to national and international markets. And that’s without the need for a significant investment. Once you’ve moved your business online, you are ready to grow.

eCommerce offers clear benefits, such as making your customer’s buying process quick and easy. Not only can you give them all the information they need, answer their questions in an efficient and transparent way, you can also respond faster to the demands. With eCommerce, you can cut down on the cost of your processes but also on your advertising and marketing strategies.

You can easily add new products or edit your own content – without paying for added development work. Not bad.

WordPress Magento

Tag Fine Arts.

Contemporary Art Dealers & Publishers

Lilo has devised a comprehensive plan to address the eCommerce website redesign revamp and upgrade needed for TAG Fine Arts. Currently, TAG’s eCommerce website runs on the outdated and unsupported Magento 1.9 ecommerce platform, along with a WordPress blog. In our consultation with TAG’s management, we proposed a solution which involves upgrading the eCommerce site to the latest version of Magento 2 while retaining the WordPress blog.

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tag web design

Increase in Users

Increase in Revenue

Increase in transactions

Increase in User Sessions

Cartwright & Butler.

Specialty Food and Recipe Innovation

To further raise their profile, they needed an eCommerce website to convey a message of tradition, nostalgia and the essence of home produce to a modern, discerning consumer. They came to us with baskets of delicious treats and we started discussing the creative and functional requirements of their new eCommerce site.

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frankly ecommerce laptop mock up


Increase in organic traffic


Increase in direct traffic


Increase of goal conversions


Increase In Engagement Rate

Cole & Mason.

Designing top of the range kitchenware for over 60 years

Cole & Mason approached us to enhance their online presence. They simply needed more online customers and sales, including extending their European market.

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case study osborne & little


Increase In Organic Traffic


Increase in direct traffic


Increase of goal conversions


Increase In Transactions

Customer Testimonials

“We came to Lilo with a cluttered website that needed to be redesigned. The Lilo team was really helpful, providing excellent advice on how we could improve our site. Even today, I am grateful for their assistance. I congratulate them on their meticulous attention to detail. I would suggest them to anyone at any time.”

Sarah Harris, Bellerby

“Recommended without reservation: As an online company, the design, functionality and reliability of our websites are critical. We have worked with Lilo for many years on multiple sites.”

Jan Smith, Click4Warranty

View our services

Your eCommerce website needs to look good and be easy to navigate to encourage your customers to follow through with a purchase. User experience is an important aspect of any website. We provide fast, user-friendly eCommerce design solutions that showcase your products for maximum exposure and guide your users to convert easily.

Websites Designed to Boost Sales

Creating a website with exceptional User Experience will make your customers come back to make more purchases.
Our eCommerce designs incorporate best practices to entice visitors by creating a seamless website and buying experience.

Mobile-Friendly eCommerce

More people are now accessing the web with mobile devices rather than desktop computers. This means it is crucial that your eCommerce site is optimised for all mobile devices. Apart from keeping your customers happy, designing a site that is mobile-friendly will also help boost your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) strategy.


Search engines like Google consider a site’s compatibility and mobile-friendliness when ranking them in searches so it’s important your eCommerce site is mobile-friendly if you want it to succeed. We make buying online easy, no matter what technology is used – desktop computers, phones or tablets.


eCommerce websites need to look good and have a well-designed user journey to create a positive customer experience. Shopping online is second nature to most people and has opened up opportunities for businesses of any size or type to be run purely online. We have years of experience designing and developing eCommerce websites on WordPress and Magento.

Get more customers
The next step is to make sure that your old and new customers can find you online. You will want to keep them informed and encourage them to buy your products and services, all while building trust and starting to form a relationship with them.
Our digital marketing services can drive more customers to your site, and ultimately to your shopping cart. Search engine optimisation (SEO), AdWords and Social Media all work together to drive traffic and grow sales.

London eCommerce Design that Suit You
eCommerce is rapidly replacing the street shopping experience, with more and more consumers making their purchases online every year. Its time your business gets on board with this growing market trend.

For more information about our eCommerce design skills and services, contact us and we’ll help you find the right solution for you.

Analytics that inform
As you break into the exciting world of eCommerce, we will help you support and grow your online business platform through the use of our Google Analytics Service.

This tracking function gives you a better understanding of your website and enables you to see your product sales in direct relation to website visits, ensuring you receive regular, valuable insight. You will have the advantage to know what’s working for you and what needs some tweaking.

Payment and Shipping Choices
We can set up a variety of payment gateway providers to maximise your user base, including the following:

and more

To offer your users the best delivery services, we can integrate popular options such as FedEx, DHL and more.

If you’re looking for web design agency in London or any other UK location, why not contact our team today.

“…fast, user-friendly solutions to showcase your products on all devices”