Professional Customer experience optimization
Elevate Your Customer Journey Maximize your customer journey’s potential with our CX optimization services. We’ll identify and fix weak points, ensuring you engage customers, retain them, and boost revenue.

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Customer Experience (CX)

Transform Your Website into a Lead-Generating Tool Many companies spend resources on their website but neglect it after launch. Do you know what’s working? What improvements have been made? Are you attracting qualified leads? Without thorough analysis and testing, it’s hard to tell.

We offer UX optimization with comprehensive analysis and testing, ensuring your website not only functions but excels. Our approach of continuous, incremental improvement guarantees measurable results.


Our Approach

  • Discovery: We audit your testing and analytics tools for reliable data and understand your business and current experiment processes.
  • Goal Setting and Health Monitoring: We help you set measurable goals and track your site’s performance and goal achievement.
  • Site Analysis and Testing: We identify opportunities for improvement through a complete site analysis, examining your homepage, site architecture, page structure, navigation, consistency, and calls to action.
  • Google Analytics Analysis: Properly set up and interpreted, Google Analytics is powerful. We dive into your analytics to find improvement areas. Analytics show the who, what, and where, while usability testing reveals the why, helping us enhance under-performing pages.
  • Usability Testing: We conduct usability tests with your target audience to understand their perceptions, brand impressions, and task difficulties, revealing areas for improvement.
Our Wordpress Services

We are a versatile and experienced WordPress development agency forming long term relationships with businesses in the city of London and beyond.

Wordpress Website development

Our team of expert developers build WordPress websites that are fast and easy to use.

Wordpress specialists

We are specialists at what we do. Lilo has the skills to advise and guide you through the journey of building your website.

Wordpress Performance optimisation

We have the skills to diagnose and fix performance issues on WordPress websites. We have extensive experience with server, plugin and Core Web Vital optimisations.

CX Optimization FAQs

What is CX Optimization? CX optimization enhances the customer journey by:

  • Gathering data and researching customer experiences.
  • Creating and prioritizing hypotheses with customer and business impacts in mind.
  • Running experiments to validate improvements in design, copy, UX, propositions, pricing, and product features.

CX vs. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): CRO focuses on website metrics like conversion rates and average order values, while CX optimization evaluates user satisfaction, lifetime value, and other touchpoints, driving comprehensive revenue growth.

CX vs. UX CX covers the overall customer impression from various interactions, while UX focuses on the ease and clarity of using a product, website, or app.

Importance of CX Optimization

Almost half of the companies investing in experimentation see at least a 10% revenue increase. Without data, research, and experimentation, predicting successful CX changes is a shot in the dark. Systematic CX optimization drives better results.

Improving CXO in Your Business: Enhance your CX optimization by:

  • Gaining board-level support.
  • Cultivating a customer-centric culture that embraces experimentation.
  • Assembling a team skilled in data analysis, research, design, UX, statistics, and development.
  • Establishing processes for data gathering, idea prioritization, experimentation, and sharing insights.

Setting Core CX Strategy Objectives: Align your CXO objectives with business goals, focusing on revenue, customer experience, and operations. For example, improving customer satisfaction scores can directly boost revenue.

CXO Roadmap: A CXO roadmap outlines experiments and activities to improve customer experience, prioritizing high-impact experiments and considering other business activities.

Timeline for Developing a CX Roadmap: After research, we develop test plans based on prioritized hypotheses and schedule high-priority experiments into the CXO roadmap, considering other business activities.

Best Practices for CX Optimization

  • Use validated methods based on customer research and data.
  • Develop a strategy encompassing business culture, internal processes, and tool stack.
  • Implement measurement mechanisms and communication plans to share CXO impact.

CX Optimization and Performance
Poor customer experiences hurt revenue, while exceptional experiences drive it.

Benefits Timeline of CX Optimization: Effective research and testing processes yield faster results. Immediate learnings come from early experimentation, though not every experiment will succeed. Running experiments saves resources by avoiding ineffective implementations.

Common Pitfalls in CX Optimization CXO programs fail due to:

  • Misalignment with business goals.
  • Unvalidated changes.
  • Hypotheses not grounded in data.
  • Lack of systematic testing processes.
  • Insufficient senior buy-in or cultural support for experimentation.
  • Unreliable data or misinterpretation of experiment statistics.
  • Inadequate boldness or targeting of main business growth levers.

By embracing these strategies and avoiding common pitfalls, you can transform your customer experience and drive substantial growth.


What is Customer Experience Optimisation in website design?

Customer Experience Optimisation in website design involves creating an intuitive, engaging, and efficient online experience for visitors.

This includes optimizing site navigation, ensuring fast load times, providing relevant content, and making the website accessible and responsive on all devices to improve user satisfaction and retention.

Why is Customer Experience Optimisation important for website design?

Optimising the customer experience on a website is vital because it enhances user satisfaction, increases the likelihood of conversions, and reduces bounce rates.

A well-designed, user-friendly website can lead to higher customer retention, improved brand perception, and greater competitive advantage.

How can I assess if my website's customer experience needs optimisation?

You can assess your website’s customer experience by analyzing metrics such as bounce rates, average session duration, page load times, and conversion rates.

Additionally, user feedback, heatmaps, and usability testing can provide insights into areas that need improvement.

What are some key elements of website design that impact Customer Experience Optimisation?

Key elements include intuitive navigation, fast loading speeds, mobile responsiveness, clear and compelling calls to action, high-quality content, effective use of visuals, and a seamless checkout process.

Ensuring accessibility and providing a personalized experience also significantly impact customer satisfaction.

How can I improve the customer experience on my website?

To improve the customer experience, regularly update and test your website for usability and performance issues, simplify navigation, enhance page load times, ensure mobile compatibility, create engaging and relevant content, and use analytics to understand user behavior and preferences.

Implementing customer feedback and continuously iterating on design based on data-driven insights are also crucial.

What tools and technologies can help with Customer Experience Optimisation for websites?

Tools and technologies that can aid in CXO include website analytics platforms like Google Analytics, heatmap and session recording tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg, A/B testing tools like Optimizely, and performance monitoring tools like GTmetrix or PageSpeed Insights. Additionally, customer feedback tools and usability testing platforms can provide valuable insights into user experience improvements.